思うだけで学ばない日記 2.0




#include <iostream>
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>

/// ストリームの状態を表示します。(デバッグ用)
static void dump_stream_state(std::ios& stream)
    using namespace std;

    ios_base::iostate flags = stream.rdstate();
    bool eof = stream.eof();
    bool bad = stream.bad();
    bool good = stream.good();
    bool fail = stream.fail();
    cerr << "falgs=" << flags
         << ", good=" << good
         << ", bad=" << bad
         << ", fail=" << fail
         << ", eof=" << eof
         << endl;

// 行読み込み方法1: std::getline()使用
bool getline1(std::istream& stream, std::string& line)
    bool failed = !std::getline(stream, line);
    return !failed;

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    using namespace std;

    std::istringstream ist1("Hello World! This is a pen.\n");   // 改行有り
    std::istringstream ist2("The rain in Spain stays mainly in the plain."); // 改行無し
    std::string line;
    bool suc;
    cerr << boolalpha;

    cerr << "******* from istringstream (with LF) *******" << endl;
    suc = getline1(ist1, line);
    cerr << "line='" << line << "', result=" << suc << endl;

    cerr << "******* from cin (with LF) *******" << endl;
    suc = getline1(cin, line);
    cerr << "line='" << line << "', result=" << suc << endl;

    cerr << "******* from istringstream (without LF) *******" << endl;
    suc = getline1(ist2, line);
    cerr << "line='" << line << "', result=" << suc << endl;

    cerr << "******* from cin (without LF) *******" << endl;
    suc = getline1(cin, line);
    cerr << "line='" << line << "', result=" << suc << endl;

    return 0;


Hello World! This is a pen.
The rain in Spain stays mainly in the plain.


******* from istringstream (with LF) *******
falgs=0, good=true, bad=false, fail=false, eof=false
line='Hello World! This is a pen.', result=true
******* from cin (with LF) *******
falgs=0, good=true, bad=false, fail=false, eof=false
line='Hello World! This is a pen.', result=true
******* from istringstream (without LF) *******
falgs=1, good=false, bad=false, fail=false, eof=true
line='Hello World! This is a pen.', result=true
******* from cin (without LF) *******
falgs=1, good=false, bad=false, fail=false, eof=true
line='Hello World! This is a pen.', result=true

おk 計画通り

しかしstd::getline(stream, s)は、ストリームに改行が現れるまで際限なくsに読もうとするから、悪意のある入力によってハングアップさせられる危険性がある。そこで受け付ける行の長さに制限を設けよう。たとえば511文字まで受け付けるものとして、上記サンプルのgetline1()を次のように書き直せば良い。

// 行読み込み方法2: istream::getline()使用; バッファサイズ大
bool getline1(std::istream& stream, std::string& line)
    const int bufsz = 512;
    char buf[bufsz];
    bool failed = !stream.getline(buf, bufsz);
    line = std::string(buf);
    return !failed;


******* from istringstream (with LF) *******
falgs=0, good=true, bad=false, fail=false, eof=false
line='Hello World! This is a pen.', result=true
******* from cin (with LF) *******
falgs=0, good=true, bad=false, fail=false, eof=false
line='Hello World! This is a pen.', result=true
******* from istringstream (without LF) *******
falgs=1, good=false, bad=false, fail=false, eof=true
line='The rain in Spain stays mainly in the plain.', result=true
******* from cin (without LF) *******
falgs=1, good=false, bad=false, fail=false, eof=true
line='The rain in Spain stays mainly in the plain.', result=true



// 行読み込み方法3: istream::getline()使用; バッファサイズ小
bool getline1(std::istream& stream, std::string& line)
    const int bufsz = 4;        // bufsz < 1行の長さ
    char buf[bufsz];
    line = "";
    while (stream.getline(buf, bufsz)) {
        line += std::string(buf);
    return !stream.fail();


******* from istringstream (with LF) *******
falgs=2, good=false, bad=false, fail=true, eof=false
line='', result=false
******* from cin (with LF) *******
falgs=2, good=false, bad=false, fail=true, eof=false
line='', result=false
******* from istringstream (without LF) *******
falgs=2, good=false, bad=false, fail=true, eof=false
line='', result=false
******* from cin (without LF) *******
falgs=2, good=false, bad=false, fail=true, eof=false
line='', result=false

ニギャー; ことごとく失敗した*1…orz


// 行読み込み方法4: istream::getline()使用; バッファサイズ小、対策版
bool getline1(std::istream& stream, std::string& line)
    const int bufsz = 16;        // bufsz < 1行の長さ
    char buf[bufsz];
    line = "";
    for (;;) {
        bool failed = !stream.getline(buf, bufsz);
        if (failed) {
            line += std::string(buf);
            if (stream.bad()) return false;     // I/Oエラーが生じた場合
        } else {
            line += std::string(buf);
    return true;


******* from istringstream (with LF) *******
falgs=2, good=false, bad=false, fail=true, eof=false
falgs=0, good=true, bad=false, fail=false, eof=false
line='Hello World! This is a pen.', result=true
******* from cin (with LF) *******
falgs=2, good=false, bad=false, fail=true, eof=false
falgs=0, good=true, bad=false, fail=false, eof=false
line='Hello World! This is a pen.', result=true
******* from istringstream (without LF) *******
falgs=2, good=false, bad=false, fail=true, eof=false
falgs=2, good=false, bad=false, fail=true, eof=false
falgs=1, good=false, bad=false, fail=false, eof=true
line='The rain in Spain stays mainly in the plain.', result=true
******* from cin (without LF) *******
falgs=2, good=false, bad=false, fail=true, eof=false
falgs=2, good=false, bad=false, fail=true, eof=false
falgs=1, good=false, bad=false, fail=false, eof=true
line='The rain in Spain stays mainly in the plain.', result=true



******* from istringstream (with LF) *******
falgs=2, good=false, bad=false, fail=true, eof=false
falgs=0, good=true, bad=false, fail=false, eof=false
line='Hello World! This is a pen.', result=true
******* from cin (with LF) *******
The rain in Spain stays mainly in the plain.
falgs=2, good=false, bad=false, fail=true, eof=false
falgs=2, good=false, bad=false, fail=true, eof=false
falgs=0, good=true, bad=false, fail=false, eof=false
line='Hello World! This is a pen.', result=true
******* from istringstream (without LF) *******
falgs=2, good=false, bad=false, fail=true, eof=false
falgs=2, good=false, bad=false, fail=true, eof=false
falgs=1, good=false, bad=false, fail=false, eof=true
line='The rain in Spain stays mainly in the plain.', result=true
******* from cin (without LF) *******
The rain in Spain stays mainly in the plain.^Z
falgs=2, good=false, bad=false, fail=true, eof=false
falgs=2, good=false, bad=false, fail=true, eof=false

falgs=0, good=true, bad=false, fail=false, eof=false
line='The rain in Spain stays mainly in the plain.?', result=true

これは、上述の入力ファイル内容("Hello World! ...")をコンソールから手入力し、2行目の末尾において[Ctrl+Z]、引き続き[RETURN]を押した。


*2:本番コードでは中間変数bool failedを外し隊。これはdump_stream_state()を呼ぶ関係で設けているにすぎない。

*3:Windows 7環境にてVS2008使用。めんどくさいので'\x0a'が入るところまでしか調べていない